Wednesday 16 February 2011

The isness of dog turds

Much suffering is caused by resistence to the isness.

Consider if you will your reaction to a dog turd.
You come downstairs in the early morning ,and,  there it is, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor,  the old Kanine calling card !
You are instantly enraged,  how dare itbe there, how dare the dog be so disrespectful and inconsiderate, why must I have to deal with this crap in the early morning when I am sleepy and nausious,  why is my life so full of shit ???

All that pyshic energy expended in your head in a flash and yet to what avail ? The turd is still there in its stoic and fragrent isness.

Would it not be wiser when confronted with an eronious mongrels morsel to just accept the isness of the situation?

Bow graciously to the to the inevitable without resistence.. It is here, it must be moved, I must do this, it is not pleasant but it is not difficult,  have I not lovingly changed a thousand nappies without resistence or Raging ?

And, is it not still a wonderful day,in an abundant world where I am much loved ?

Dosn't that feel better?
Is it not our resistence to the isness that causes our suffering rather than the isness itself ?

If we can learn to abide in the isness things become very easy.

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