Monday 28 February 2011

We are the New Earth Revolution

We are the New Earth Revolution,
We are the justified Jihad,
we are the end of illusion,
we are the legions of the "mad" !

The MEEK are on the streets in every country,
The institutions of oppresion cast aside,
the peoples reunited under truth,
no more conquer, disrupt and devide.

Around the world dictators fall to ruin,
removed by the armies of the small
this was foreseen by the seers 
and the meek are awaiting the fall !

Tuesday 22 February 2011


AS a frequency holder I have seen
That Di-Methyl_Triptamine
is another gate to the other world
where sources banners  are unfurled
and the spirit trip is calling me
to share the visions I did see
for I have seen the heavenly host
gathered around the one that shineth most
and i am slowly turning to light
I accept my quest
I walk through the night

Sunday 20 February 2011

Tau flotsom

By Twenty two paths plus one
We return to the central sun
Let no man put asunder
The echo of source gods thunder
May we be an emptied chalice
Devoid of all pain or malice
Let We be the shining atom
All sons of eve and adam
Let We be the twin flame lovers
Let We find our halfs that are other
Let We be the points of light
In the tau void shining bright
Are we the ones who were hidden
Are we the ones that would know
Are we the deep source flotsam
Boyant in the tau source flow

Saturday 19 February 2011

word play magik

Word play magik
a fist from the heart
a laser like lance
that stands us apart
these words are a search
for the nature of things
the ultimate question
what song does source sing ?

I choose love

I choose love
I choose light
I choose strength and faith
I choose  gratitude
I choose abundance
I choose time and place
I choose Earth
I choose Heaven
I choose infinite grace

a 432 hertz spiral

A 432 hertz spiral !
the ghost is in the maths
a golden ratio calling
to Dharmas acid bath
the seeing will dissolve you
so the void can pass striaght through
and on that day you will realise
there is only ever YOU !

i embrace gratitude

I embrace gratitude and hold i  hold her in my heart
in love and abundance we all must play our part
all I see is beauty and incandesent  light
I surrender to creation and end the inner night

Thursday 17 February 2011

Angel of Frost "Not very spiritual this one but I am getting grief from the Dorris today ! I'm only (partly) Human after all !"

An angel of frost
And a queen of ice,
Soul entropy your finest vice.
To wear a man down,
And break his spirit,
You do it by choice,
You cause it,
You will it.

But now you are faced with a formidable foe,
You would not join this battle
If you could know what I now know,
For I am detachment,
And a mirror to ice,
I am free of the trap,
Head out of the vice,
And everything you try,
Will hurt only you,
You are transparent,
and I  see straight through.

Chess is a game you would do well to learn
As your strategies fail,
And your citadels burn,
For wise players are aware
Of an ice queens gambits
And the knights lie in waiting
Horses champing at bits.

No threat is intended,
It's a statement of fact!
I am out of your games,
And I'm not coming back !

For 17 years i was a feather
in your storm
tossed on the winds of malice
and scorn
but the weight has lifted
now i am out of your eye
But for the loss of our love
I silently cry :.)..


Never eat more than one Soma,
Never pop more than one pill.
Never say boo to a ghosty,
And never pretend you are Ill.

We are all creatures of shadow,
Trying to grow to the light.
We are all lost in the darkness,
Stumbling through personal night.

Gateways are left on the earth,
pathways back into the sun.
You may partake if you need to,
but never eat more than one !

It is conceit that kills us
and makes us cowards instead of gods.

Under the great Command: Know thy self, and that thou art mortal!
we have become fatally self-conscious, fatally self-important, fatally entangled in the cocoon coils of our conceit.

Now we have to admit we can't know ourselves, we can only know about ourselves.
And I am not interested to know about myself any more,
I only entangle myself in the knowing.

Now let me be myself,
now let me be myself, and flicker forth,
now let me be myself, in the being, one of the gods.

D H Lawrence

Wednesday 16 February 2011


I believe it because I have seen it
I have known the inner sight
I know we are immortal
And everything is quite allright
It is the tau and the suchness
It's the enactment of the plan
Be yee angels or demons
Or ash or powdered sand
You are powerful creators
But you are contained in the whole
And you have no alternative
You must play out your role
All the world is a stage
That's true enough to say
But who is the director
In the end of the day.

Resisting isness ?

It is said that much suffering is caused by resistance to isness.
Consider then your reaction to a dog turd. You come downstairs early in the morning and there in the middle of the kitchen floor it is, a kanine calling card. You are instantly enraged. How dare it be there? How dare the dog be so disrespectful. ? Why must I have to deal with this in the early morning when I am sleepy and prone to nausia, why is my life so full of shit ?
All that psychic energy burnt and expended within your head and to what avail ? The dog turd remains unmoved in it's stoic isness.
Would it not be wiser when confronted with a mongrels morsel to bow graciously to the inevitable ?
It is here, it must me moved, I must do this, this is unpleasent but not difficult, have I not lovingly changed a thousand napies without raging ? and is it not still a wonderful day in an abundant world where I am loved.
Dosnt that feel better ?
Is it not our resistance to the isness not the isness itself that causes us to experience suffering.

When we abide with the isness everything becomes easier.

The isness of dog turds

Much suffering is caused by resistence to the isness.

Consider if you will your reaction to a dog turd.
You come downstairs in the early morning ,and,  there it is, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor,  the old Kanine calling card !
You are instantly enraged,  how dare itbe there, how dare the dog be so disrespectful and inconsiderate, why must I have to deal with this crap in the early morning when I am sleepy and nausious,  why is my life so full of shit ???

All that pyshic energy expended in your head in a flash and yet to what avail ? The turd is still there in its stoic and fragrent isness.

Would it not be wiser when confronted with an eronious mongrels morsel to just accept the isness of the situation?

Bow graciously to the to the inevitable without resistence.. It is here, it must be moved, I must do this, it is not pleasant but it is not difficult,  have I not lovingly changed a thousand nappies without resistence or Raging ?

And, is it not still a wonderful day,in an abundant world where I am much loved ?

Dosn't that feel better?
Is it not our resistence to the isness that causes our suffering rather than the isness itself ?

If we can learn to abide in the isness things become very easy.

Dust to ashes

Dust to ashes, ashes to dust,
the kingdom of cocaine is a temple to rust,
this powder will take all those that you love,
and  any who would love you back.

These powdered plants from Paraguay
and little rocks of crack,
will take you on a dark journey,
and you may not come back.

Don't snort the Devils dandruff,
don't think yourself immune or cool.
For this  addiction is a cruel master,
and you are a helpless fool.

many I have known and lost already
Many more I will lose soon
Every one thinking themselves safe
until they saw the whole of the Moon.

Caterpiller to Butterfly

Everything that is is in the tau of the now
Namaste truth I see thee and bow
I am a catapiller born to transform
The night is now over! Onwards to dawn
I am awake now
I sleep walk no more
Everything is illuminated
I kicked down the door
Dear source then I thank thee
For letting me see
That I am transformed now
the butterfly is free.

Dimlo sighs
London England

The Jazz of birds

The jazz of birds
In the morning light
Is it songs to the sun
For the end of the night
Are you happy
Are you sad
Do you sing your own tune
Do you welcome the sun ?
Or just lament the moon ?

Tuesday 15 February 2011

from circled crops

From circled crops,
to mountain  tops,
the wonder filled my heart,
I saw the inner glory,
I found my better part.

We give ourselves permission
to know our sub-conscious mind
we open up the doorway
to the treasure we must find.

The tools that knowers know
are just like skeleton keys
they open up the locks
and let our truth run free

and We could write for hours
and probably will aswell
but to know thyself completely
delivers us from hell.

Once were raptors

Sing for joy
Sing for the sun
Sing to the worms
And the new day to come

Once were rapters
Fierce in the fields
Now feathered and shrunken
And airbourne and billed

So sing to the sun
And sleep with the moon
For you little ones
Will be gone too soon

In your tree top kingdom
You welcome the day
For The chorus of dawn
Let your melodies play

Be thee starling or blackbird
Or sparrow or wren
We give thanks for your being
And the lark of your zen. 

London England 

Friday 11 February 2011

Attach no importance

Attach no importance to the things that you do,
for attachment occludes a clearer world view.
Don't kid yourself you are better than any other,
some souls are more lost but we are all soul brothers.

Yes, we were lost. and we wept before God,
but this is the path many saved souls have trod.
And, even prodigal sons are all welcomed home,
for they were always well loved and they were never alone.

Dimlo Sighs
Soho, London.
11/02/2011 (palindrome day)

Thursday 10 February 2011

From the furnaces of a star

Do you ever take time to stop
To just appreciate what you've got
To Just be grateful for who you are
Because you really have come this far

From the furnaces of a star
To self awareness in this bar
It's a billion year round trip
Can you really really not feel it

I'm just too cosmic to stay coalesced
But As ever I'll do my best
I'll hold together the best that I can
But my atoms have a different plan

I can feel the emptiness of space
Full of god and compassionate grace
And I really am no longer here
No need to worry or feel any fear

I am you and you are me
We're emptiness and infinity
We are the void that holds all things
And the song that the universe sings

We are the space between the thought
The formless witness that can't be caught
We are the subject and the object too
Our nothingness is all that's true.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

This ones not one of mine but i love it so here it is !

The Great Way is not difficult
for those who have no preferences.
When love and hate are both absent
everything becomes clear and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however
and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.
If you wish to see the truth
then hold no opinions for or against anything.
To set up what you like against what you dislike
is the disease of the mind.
When the deep meaning of things is not understood
the minds essential peace is disturbed to no avail.

The Way is perfect like vast space
where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject
that we do not see the true nature of things.
Live neither in the entanglements of outer things,
nor in inner feelings of emptiness.
Be serene in the oneness of things
and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves.
When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity
your very effort fills you with activity.
As long as you remain in one extreme or the other
you will never know Oneness.

- Sengstan

translated from the Chinese