Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mother Fu£kers or Spear Chuckers ?

Mother Fu£kers or spear chuckers
Consumerist vultures verses indigenous cultures,
a simple choice between balance and greed,
you can wield an axe or you can plant a seed.

You can live in equilibrium as the ages turn,
or you can fill your trough as you slash and burn,
are you service to others or are you service to self ?
Do you hoard your trinkets or do you share your wealth ?

You will have no choices at the end of time,
as the Earth is cleansed of this 'Human' grime,
and the few that remain must  honor our Mother,
she is our only home, as if we had another !

And from ancient cultures we can learn full truth,
they are the older brothers to our arrogant youth,
and they Honor the Earth as all sentient should,
would we change our ways if we knew we could ?

Would we lay down our arms and pick up the plow ?
would we never eat Pig or Lamb or Cow,
would we notice the beauty that is heaven sent,
would we pay due rent before our credit is spent ?

it's a choice we must make in the coming years,
as the mountains shake and our delusion clears,
Are we are here by choice as our souls had planned,
Are we Humans BEING or just the viral damned ?

Dimlo Sighs
Morden, Surrey.

1 year 267 days 11 hours 46 minutes and 23 seconds to ascension.

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