Tuesday 29 March 2011

Mother Fu£kers or Spear Chuckers ?

Mother Fu£kers or spear chuckers
Consumerist vultures verses indigenous cultures,
a simple choice between balance and greed,
you can wield an axe or you can plant a seed.

You can live in equilibrium as the ages turn,
or you can fill your trough as you slash and burn,
are you service to others or are you service to self ?
Do you hoard your trinkets or do you share your wealth ?

You will have no choices at the end of time,
as the Earth is cleansed of this 'Human' grime,
and the few that remain must  honor our Mother,
she is our only home, as if we had another !

And from ancient cultures we can learn full truth,
they are the older brothers to our arrogant youth,
and they Honor the Earth as all sentient should,
would we change our ways if we knew we could ?

Would we lay down our arms and pick up the plow ?
would we never eat Pig or Lamb or Cow,
would we notice the beauty that is heaven sent,
would we pay due rent before our credit is spent ?

it's a choice we must make in the coming years,
as the mountains shake and our delusion clears,
Are we are here by choice as our souls had planned,
Are we Humans BEING or just the viral damned ?

Dimlo Sighs
Morden, Surrey.

1 year 267 days 11 hours 46 minutes and 23 seconds to ascension.

Monday 28 March 2011

Prattle with induction

The micro and the Macro fill the cosmos,
The scale of our endeavors, sub planetary,
But waves can wash it all away in seconds,
And power stations cores burn to the sea,

And marchers face the force of state oppression,
The neon armies boil their kettled blood,
But neither side gives time to sources warnings,
And few are getting ready for the flood.

And still the rabble prattle with induction,
And rare indeed is anyone who sees,
That we are made of matter raised to conscience,
And perfect forests are formed by broken trees.

All things are framed within our closed perception,
The wider lens can see the broader view,
Each man must work his magic at conjunction,
So sorry lovies,  this ones down too YOU !.

Dimlo sighs
Northern line
South London

Thursday 24 March 2011

You can climb too high
You can peak to soon
But you cannot fall
From the mountains of the moon

It's a simple truth
And a finite quest
We ALL came here
At OUR souls behest

And the things we will learn
Are the lessons we teach
It's a private education
To ourselves we preach

Are we all not rays
Of the single sun ?
All subtle aspects
Of the infinite one

Steped down luminousities
Of the blinding light
Every single photon
Is an end to night

In the deepest void
All souls will find
A visitation
The angelic kind

When you lay on the rock
With your head at gods feet
There is no further to fall
There is no retreat

And an atom of light
In the hue of the sun
Says we all are angels
Each ALl and ONE

In unspoken words
At the end of time
You will find yourself
And your SELF is just FINE

It's a writen path
A  chosen track
At the end of time
YOU are welcomed BACK !

Dimlo sighs
25/3/2011 4.44am
In bed in Morden

Thursday 17 March 2011


The words below are not my words but I fully endorse their intention. I have found this perspective very uplifting on my journey. I hope they will resonate for you too. I believe  the majority of our suffering is internal and self afflicted. We all have the potential to rise above internally generated suffering. We actually live in paradise you know?  Is it possible that God gets a little bit upset when , for instance, we don't notice a flower or the colour purple.

Perhaps we should pay more attention to the wonder of creation and consciousness.


Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful. They tend to brighten all around them. They make others feel better about themselves. They tend to be more humble, more joyful, and more likable.
Can you imagine how your life would improve if you lived in thanksgiving daily? Can you imagine how your life would improve if others did the same? Do you think the world would be a happier place--less stressful?... less angry? More spiritual?
I believe that many people are unhappy because they have not learned to be grateful. Some carry the burden of bitterness and resentfulness for many years. Some pass their days as though suffering a deep sadness they cannot name. Others are unhappy because life didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
"If only I had money," some say to themselves, "then I could be happy."
"If only I were better looking."
"If only I were smarter."
Living in thanksgiving daily is a habit that will enrich our lives and the lives of those we love. How can we make this part of who we are? Here are three things you can do:
Opening our eyes.
"The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life"
Unfortunately, because the beauties of life are so abundant, sometimes we take them for granted.
Our minds have a marvelous capacity to notice the unusual. However, the opposite is true as well: The more often we see the things around us—even the beautiful and wonderful things—the more they become invisible to us.
That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds—even those we love.
Because we see things so often, we see them less and less.
Those who live in thanksgiving daily, however, have a way of opening their eyes and seeing the wonders and beauties of this world as though seeing them for the first time.
Look around you. Notice the people you care about. Notice the fragrance of the flowers and the song of the birds. Notice and give thanks for the blue of the sky, the color of the leaves, and the white of the clouds. Enjoy every sight, every smell, every taste, every sound.
When we open our eyes and give thanks for the bountiful beauty of this life, we live in thanksgiving daily.
Opening our hearts.
We must let go of the negative emotions that bind our hearts and instead fill our souls with love, faith, and thanksgiving.
Anger, resentment, and bitterness stunt our spiritual growth. Would you bathe in impure water? Then why do we bathe our spirits with negative and bitter thoughts and feelings?
You can cleanse your heart. You don't have to harbor thoughts and feelings that drag you down and destroy your spirit.
Opening our arms.
One of the best ways we show our gratitude is by helping those around us
We can live in thanksgiving daily by opening our arms to those around us. When was the last time you told someone you love how much they mean to you? When was the last time you expressed your gratitude to someone who has always been there for you, someone who has sacrificed for you, someone whose heart has always been filled with hopes and dreams for you?
When was the last time you unselfishly reached out to help another in need?
As we strive to open our eyes, hearts, and arms, our step will become a little lighter, our smile will become a little brighter, and the darkness that sometimes broods over our lives will become a little lighter. Don't be discouraged if you haven't been an especially grateful person. Rejoice and think of what an impression you will make on those who thought they knew you. Think of how delightfully surprised they will be.
Be grateful. Every day is a new canvas—a new opportunity. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort"
*Wise words from a man who inspired me, AMO.

Thursday 10 March 2011

She crushed her heel on a beetle
For no other reason than it was there,
And when I raised my objection,
She laughed and said she didn't care
Such casual cruelty is not so attractive
And can only be countered by prayer
We pray for devine forgiveness
And compassion for the creatures down there.
That beetle was a thing of great beauty
Like flowers that sing to the sun
All things have there place in creation
All sparks of the infinite one.
Thou shall not kill was the commandment
But as compassion flowers within
You realise this thing applies to all creatures
Not just those in the likeness of him.
Now the walls in her heart leave her broken
a i cry while standing outside
awake to yourself my lost lover
until then i'll try to abide.

                                                                     infinite compassion

Monday 7 March 2011

Are we then the worms in the apple ?

Are we then the worms in the apple ?
The maggots in mothers flesh
Blind agents of corruption
Bound only to our own behest
What gluttons of self consumption
We eat alive our host
With the cognizance of a virus
He wins who eats the most !

But consciousness is stirring
And change is on the air
A gathering of the innocents

And all of those that care
We stand in golden knowing
And turn our back on greed
We are the change we wish to see
Come join us with Godspeed.

Dimlo sighs
On a bus in Morden
I am all religions and none
I am the moon and the circleing sun
I am darkness shadowed in night
And I am lumience burning bright
I am short that I may know tall
I am climbing before the fall
I am vision and quest and heed
I am slow mind aquiring speed
And the angels did visit me
In the strange time when I roamed free
And in words that remain unspoken
I was given a treasur token
And their light has remained in me
To this time when I bow to thee
My creator I hear your call
And I don the mask of the fool
And I'll do what I can do
To return the most lost unto you
And the angels are with me again
As they shield me from fear and pain
And I thank thee for the task I am set
Please protect me and cover my bet
Through square circles we move into light
We are ready for the end of the fight.

Dimlo sighs
Morden 8/3/2011 

Cusp born child and my Daemon Ghost

I am Earth Mother
Fire father
Water born child.
Born on the cusp
so the frequencies are wild.
Cancer moon fades for Leos Sun
Destinys are set by the rule of One
I am ever grateful,
Gratitude is me.
I pay homge
to the visions that I see.
My Daemon shows me purpose
as she whispers of my mind
ask me how i'mfeeling
I'm OK i'm feeling fine !

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Hook, line and thinker

The illusion is all pervasive
And we have bought it all
Hook line and sinker
The thinker is a fool

When we forget what we are
And identify with the thinkers
All of us are incoherent drunks
And ever thirsty drinkers

It's easy to be clever
But clever is not wise
As we embrace delusion
The spark inside us dies

It's hard for us to explain
The truth that we were shown
To humans wrapped in pain
Whose egos are full blown

You will not meet your angels
Until you have surrendered in defeat
And laid your broken spirit
At gods compassionate feet

The truth is more magnificent
Than the thinker could ever have guessed
But in the game of creation
The last laugh is the best

For though you do not know it
You feel it deep inside
You are born of spirit
Just traveling for the ride

You forgot yourSELF on porpoise
And came unto this plain
To live a life of struggle
In a kingdom of the vain

To what end such tribulation ?
Why do it to our souls ?
To know the way of completion
And reunite with the whole !

We really arn't that clever
The thinker is ever a fool
But Inside of every idiot
Lyes treasure for us all.

So contemplate your soulhood
If you would know thyself
And we welcome back to sanity
We toast your new found wealth.


Tuesday 1 March 2011

On Advertising (We must shift product)

We must shift product
and piss in our nest
the bankers are happy
but the planets a mess

kids are alright
but models are best
a pretty smile
and our product is blessed

We process the proles
its an intimate science
with achievable goals
and precise appliance

we must maximize profit
and subsidize pain
we fuck the Earth
again and again

we know that change is coming
we can feel it in the air
so we rewrite our scripts
for the people who care

they'll think that we have changed
and the world will be alright
but then goyem cattle
were never that bright

its an easy ambition
and a pertinent fact
we'll keep on selling
until the earth is burned black

we have no remorse
we have forgotten our souls
we bow down and worship
in our corporate roles

resistance is futile
the Earth is just cud
we burn her bones black
and feast on her blood

its the bottom line
a fit end for us all
still, there's plenty of money
in the ship of the fools.

Angels all around me and the number 444

Angels all around me
And the number 444
Metatron is calling
From the dharma door
The choirs called in light
And I must join the quest
Shepherd me to acsension
Let me be my best
I have learned your names
And of the sepharofic tree
So come then friendly angels
And help me to be free

There is treasure on our doorstep,

There is treasure on our doorstep,
If we only have eyes to see,
Everyday manifestations
Of source artistry

I saw a golden sunset
A transition of a thousands hues
Greys,  golds and oranges
And palest lightest blues.

On a thousand different days
I might just pass this by
But this day I SAW the sunset
and it made me cry.

On corporate servitude

On corporate servitude

Oh!, the joy in servitude
and the mastery in constraint
So bind me down
and seal my eyes with paint.

For I have had visions
They cut me to the quick
So I cast my pearls
For the weak and the sick.

Though the skys are sackcloth
And the oceans boil
Through armagedon
The meek still toil.

Its a battle for the powers
And the higher choirs
But here on earth
We must bow to liars.

Dimlo sighs
Soho England

Midnight shoppers

Midnight shoppers
Ego droppers
We rob like c@*ts
And we don't like coppers

Keep buying shit
In your waking dreams
Pay no heed
To the greater schemes

You deserve your demise
And you call it to yourself
Dressed in your finery
We toast your wealth

When we Went to hell
It just spat us back
Now it's hard to dance
With the monkey on our back

If you want to see a demon
The look into our eyes
For there be demons
Of diminutive size

Just look a little closer
And you might see
An image of yourself
Reflected in we

We embrace chaos
We embrace the Tau
We stand firm
In the here and now

All will be lost
No body is saved
Our flesh will rot
In an open grave

The end of time
The end of the dance
We return to source
We have had our chance

An apocalypse now
Hear the dharma gong
We fucked it up
Yes we got it wrong

There is a time for presence
And a time for sleep
The Earth will be emptied
As the mountains weep

Everything ends
This too shall pass
We spend no more time
In this ego farce.

Midnight shoppers
Wait for the fall
You do it to yourself
One and all.

Dimlo sighs
Northen line