Wednesday 26 January 2011

A Prayer of Gratitude and salvation

A Prayer of Gratitude and salvation

Dear God, source of the universe and all that is.
We give thanks to thee for our salvation.
We who have by your grace stood on the mountain top and seen the glory all around us and within us.
We give thanks for the knowledge of the light that we your humble and meek servants have been blessed to see.
We give thanks for the enactment of the plan and the divine order.
We humbly ask that we may be used as your instruments in this place and plane as you see fit to use us.
Dear god source of Heaven and Earth we give thanks that we know are not required for your all encompassing love and acceptance.
We return to you as prodigal sons and daughters and ask meekly that you take us into your house.
For though we have sinned we were lost.
And though we were lost we called to thee.
And though it was dark we found the light of you within our hearts and we were saved.
In profound gratitude we bow to thee our creator,our savior, our strength,

By Dimlo 25/01/2011

Morden, England

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