Thursday 27 January 2011

For invisible bonds require no fleeing

Shall we sell our souls In corporate holes ?
Unconcious of the hidden tolls,
 That we aquire while chasing  corporate goals,
 And living out our appointed roles .

This man is better the hierachy says
As it denegates in many ways
The actual truth that nature plays
All souls are equal anyways

So sit in meetings if you must
As egos battle and miss trust
Those corporate kingdoms turn to rust
For they do not heed the dharms thrust

The lust for profits disconnects
Those fools who fail to introspect
And take no heed of the Ill effects
Their corporate strategies self elect

I am not saying that it's bad to work
But mindless greed drives souls bizerk
So cheif execs to humble clerks
Should check where the corporate demons lurk

Your wage slave pittance keeps you pinned
And in blind to folly you have sinned
As profit margins can't be trimed
Or corporate life you will recined

How many lost sheep I have seen
Asleep to their nature as human being
Consumed by farce and never seeing
For invisible bonds require no fleeing

Poor deluded fools that pratle of status
Should take a pregnant pause hiatus
And pay due heed to that that made us
Be nice to the meek and do not hate us !

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