Thursday 27 January 2011

For invisible bonds require no fleeing

Shall we sell our souls In corporate holes ?
Unconcious of the hidden tolls,
 That we aquire while chasing  corporate goals,
 And living out our appointed roles .

This man is better the hierachy says
As it denegates in many ways
The actual truth that nature plays
All souls are equal anyways

So sit in meetings if you must
As egos battle and miss trust
Those corporate kingdoms turn to rust
For they do not heed the dharms thrust

The lust for profits disconnects
Those fools who fail to introspect
And take no heed of the Ill effects
Their corporate strategies self elect

I am not saying that it's bad to work
But mindless greed drives souls bizerk
So cheif execs to humble clerks
Should check where the corporate demons lurk

Your wage slave pittance keeps you pinned
And in blind to folly you have sinned
As profit margins can't be trimed
Or corporate life you will recined

How many lost sheep I have seen
Asleep to their nature as human being
Consumed by farce and never seeing
For invisible bonds require no fleeing

Poor deluded fools that pratle of status
Should take a pregnant pause hiatus
And pay due heed to that that made us
Be nice to the meek and do not hate us !

Attraction Mantra


Come unto me.


I call to thee.


Already mine yippe !

Wednesday 26 January 2011

The man who knows nothin(k) is the wisest fool

When a random ram fault makes you screen turn blue.
Just reboot and reconnect to the truth that always lives in you.
You were born, you will die. You are love and light.
An invincible point in a sea of night.
Self contained and self complete,
Within the sacred tau.
No need to have a nightmare,
You are awake now.
All the thin(k)s you thought you were,
are just a cosmic joke ,
Realise reality and take a long deep toke.
From the source comes the flow,
That is a gift to us all.
And the man who knows no thin(k)s is the wisest fool.
And the fool who knows himself a fool finds the greatest insight.
And he grins to himself for the futures bright.

By Dimlo
Soho, London, England

Isolate minds traitor

Our standing wave base station,
Is outside of forms creation.
So we think ourselves,
Islands of men.
But sooner or later,
We isolate minds traitor,
And then, at last, we begin to ascend

Your sulking brings no force to bare !

Don't even bother with that ego mind shite ,
Wake up, grow up, be alright !
I love you as you love me,
Self contained in ecstasy,
Just bite your lip and let things be.

Your sulking brings no force to bare,
Look within you'll find me there,
I will not speak I'll only stare,
Fuck your ego! I don't care !

There is Nobody, you are not there,
Feel your hands, they're made of air,
Close your eyes and take a breath,
Youare spirit only, there is no thing left !
You were never really real!
Illusion is every thing you feel !

The awareness that is aware

The awareness that is aware
The knower and the known
The point of silent presence
The longest journey to home

Those who are blessed with the wisdom
And who walked the spiral path
Lift their heads in wonder
And laugh the joyous laugh

It's all in your head you dimlo
The suffering and the peace
Enter the golden calmness
And feel the great release

So simple if you can grasp it
And hold it in you mind
You have the treasure already
Just seek and you will find

The alchemy of sutras

Why trade one life of opulence for an eternity in hell
To self exclude yourself from nirvana where only angels dwell
The trinkets that you feast upon
Will stick within your craw
You are loathsome sick already but still you grasp for more
Contempt upon your will to power
We feel you'll never know
The value of a tiny flower or every flake of snow
For gold and diamonds call you
If you could only hear
The alchemy of sutras
But you are nowhere near !

The Ghost in the maths

Alpha omega
Millionaire beggars
Integral integers
The ghost in the maths
The golden mean
Euclids dream
An ascending arc
A light in the dark

Poetry as a search for meaning

This Poetry is a search for meaning
And an expression of the inner tone
A torch upon the void
Full moon on the twilight zone
I'm not trying to be clever
Nor do I strive to be heard
I am just trying to make sense
By the way of the pen and the word.

Become like a child

Eat when your hungry,
Sleep when you are tired,
Weep if you have to,
Enjoy the ride.
Become like a child,
The scriptures said,
And the kingdom of heaven,
Is in your head !

The New Earth

My earth,
The New Earth,
And the light of the sun.
At last,
And forever,
The kingdom has come.
We asked,
And it was given,
The waters do run deep.
The sleepers,
Hath awakened,
The secret they now keep.
So sheep in peoples clothing,
That scorn our point of view,
Should know themselves completely,
And learn of the Earth that is NEW.

This then is the Treasure

The kingdom of heaven
Is a place within
And to miss the point
Is the only sin
You are free on earth
To do as you wish
No one is watching
But your own sweet self
This then is the treasure
And the common wealth

A Prayer of Gratitude and salvation

A Prayer of Gratitude and salvation

Dear God, source of the universe and all that is.
We give thanks to thee for our salvation.
We who have by your grace stood on the mountain top and seen the glory all around us and within us.
We give thanks for the knowledge of the light that we your humble and meek servants have been blessed to see.
We give thanks for the enactment of the plan and the divine order.
We humbly ask that we may be used as your instruments in this place and plane as you see fit to use us.
Dear god source of Heaven and Earth we give thanks that we know are not required for your all encompassing love and acceptance.
We return to you as prodigal sons and daughters and ask meekly that you take us into your house.
For though we have sinned we were lost.
And though we were lost we called to thee.
And though it was dark we found the light of you within our hearts and we were saved.
In profound gratitude we bow to thee our creator,our savior, our strength,

By Dimlo 25/01/2011

Morden, England

Friday 21 January 2011

By the blade of a subtle knife

Are you an aspect of oneness?
A spark of divine god light
Shawn from the original,
by the blade of a subtle knife .
Can you remember your purpose ?
Do you have that insight ?
Are you a soul on a mission ?
Or are you alone in the night ?

Souls in their incandescence

I know it's there cos I've seen it
I know it's there cos I do
I know it's there inside me
And I know that it's there in you

I know that our souls are immortal
I know we are made of the light
This knowledge was given freely
In the midst of my souls dark night

I am a oordinary human
I am a being too
I am your own reflection
In my eyes lies you

Life is a gift so precious
All part of a master plan
Souls in their incandescence
Burn in that heart of man

Think of the implications
That you will always be
A witness to creation
And a part of the mystery

We are made of god stuff

When I had fallen within
and I had completely collapsed
And I moved in the void
There I found you,
In the dark emptiness
at the heart of me,
There you were,
Silently waiting
Totally accepting
Completely indestructible
And full of love.
And that I have seen such a thing,
And I communed with YOU
I am eternally grateful,
For I know now that truth is true,
All the stories are real
We are made of god stuff
What joy you reveal
I have been to the core
Where the mountaintop stood
And I understand
As you knew that I would
We are one divided
Into points of view
We are made of god stuff
We are part of you.
So what is my mission
As I know such a thing
Should I play the music
That the angels sing
Should I open the doors
In the dancers minds
So that they may see
If you seek you find
There is treasure within
Treasure indeed
Guide me on my journey
Give true Godspeed
And if I get it wrong
Help me try again
Be a light in the dark
Wash away all pain
It is good to know
We are never alone
You have built our house
And we are coming home
Like the prodigal son
We had fallen far
But you lift us up
You love all we are
So the Sufi's had it
And the Gnostic's too
When we know ourselves
We remember you !

Dimlo sighs

We are matter raised to knowing

The ego wants to tell us
All the things we are
All the golden trinkets
And all the shiny cars
Yes it is true to a fashion
That is what we are
But it is not who we are
What then are we
A threatened ego snarls
We are matter raised to knowing
The awakened dust of stars
And god our great creator
Breathed spirit into dust
Remember who you truely are
As Dhuka fades to rust.

To walk to the Quasars

There is as far to travel within yourself
As there is to walk to the quasars
All of the everything is contained in any thing
It's a hologram
A holographic universe
Each part containing the whole