Sunday 4 December 2011

The Tao and the NOW !

If you're hungry then eat
If you're sad then weep
If you're lonely go seek
If you're thinking, think deep

Become like a child
A wise one once said
And most of our suffering
Is built in our head

It's not what happens
It's how we react
That we have free will
Is a pertininent fact

You can wail
You can weep
You can howl at the moon
But the choice is yours
You compose the tune !

The suchness and the isness
Are what they must be
If you know and accept this
You are finally free.

If you can learn the great lessons
Of the power of now
You can be one with creation,
In the flow of the Tao.

We are free,
We are free,
We are free at last !
There is no future,
And there was no past !

Dimloader 6/12/2012

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