Thursday 29 December 2011

All then rays of the single sun.

All then rays of the single sun,
imagined divisions of the ultimate one,
individual viewpoints seemingly alone,
drifting on tides,
far from our home,
we remember,
we remember,
we return to self,
for you must know poverty to appreciate wealth,
and you must have thirst before you can drink,
and indeed we are seldom that that we think,
just reflections on the pond,
itself a shadow of the sea,
But the truth of the oneness is the home of the free.

by Dimlo for Unasleep 29/12/2011

Monday 26 December 2011

The knowers and the known (2)

The awareness that is aware.
The knowers and the known.
The point of silent presence.
The longest journey home.

All who were gifted visions.
And who walked the spiral path.
Lift their heads in wonder.
And laugh the joyous laugh.

It's all in your head my love.
The suffering and the peace.
Enter the golden calmness.
And feel the great release.

So simple if you can grasp it.
And hold it in your mind.
You have the treasure already.
Just seek and you will find.
S. O. L,
Serve others and love !
A call from within,
And above.
To give begets to gain,
To share reduces the pain. 
To love is the easiest of things,
And what equity. It brings. 
For we all have infinite supplies
And As one we all shall rise.

Dimlo sighs

Sunday 25 December 2011

Entendre moi friend
Listen and understand
I am just a human
Lowley fallen man
But I have known merkabah
And I have seen the light
The shinning point of presence
Ever it burns bright
And I have felt compasionate love
She held me in her arms
She lifted veiled religion
And all those other yarns
And now I see so clearly
Spirit is ever there
I've seen the source of everything
And I know that she really cares. 

Dimlo sighs

I walked the spiral paths
To the southern face of the tor
And by a holly thorn
I bowed at the dharma door

I nealt on the sacred earth
And I offered my soul to the groud
And by the fallen dragons egg
I heard a tremendous sound

Seven billion whispering minds
And seven billion awakening hearts
And I knew that the human race
Is greater than the sum of it's parts

I walked the spiral paths
To the southern face of the tor
And I offered my humble service
To our mother for ever more.

Dimlo sighs

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Let yourself go
Let yourself flow
Let yoourself know
You are the show

Let yourself see
Let yourself be
Let yourself hear
Silence is near

All in one
One in all
Return to the source
Arise from the fall

All things are love
Love is the key
Embrace us in joy
We bow to thee

Winter solstice
1 year 16 hours 51 minutes and 44 seconds to ascension

Thursday 15 December 2011

Close to madness ?

I feel close to madness,
close to the edge,
I'm under the RADAR,
I'm over the hedge.
The energy is rushing,
straight through me head,
this leached existance,
is bleeding me dead,
I better slow up,
for there is traffic ahead !

Beware the ides of December, tribute to ANONYMOUS.

Blessed be, Anonymous,
No one saw us coming,
In  their ivory towers,
The could not hear our drumming.

 From the verdent Amazonian basin,
To the rEvolutionary Arab squares,
The corrupt did not see us,
The corrupt were never there.

Like the first weeds on a lawn,
Diversity's spark errupted,
To drop a little acid,
on what compliance had constructed.

And the wind blown seeds,
 From diverse creeds,
Took root amongst the green,
The wierdest widest we-ness,
The world had ever scen.

Awake, arise, ascend, our friends,
We call you like the sun,
As shadows fade to memories,
  the golden dawn has come.

This life is for the living,
And profit has no soul,
We cast aside delusion,
And the matrix of control.

A million different pilgrims,
Are marching in the street,
You can not kill an idea,
We'll never taste defeat.

For the rEvolution is unstopable,
Thr elephant is in the room,
No more tolerence of corruption,
OUR change is coming soon !

Dimlo Sighs

Tuesday 13 December 2011

These words......

These words come rushing
Out of me
So fully formed my litany
And to what end
I can not see
They cost me much
Yet still they're free
By will alone
I moved my mind
And never knew
What worlds I'd find
I was in the dark
Alone and blind
But then the light
Awoke in my mind
Reassuring lberating powerful kind
Now I am just a channel for the force
Just another aspect of the source

Monday 12 December 2011

The system must change
It is broken and corrupt
And the suffering will increase
As the addige is upped

We are spoon fed black lies
For our daily bread
And the Walls of this prison
Are inside of our head

Things are terribly wrong
On the board of this game
And we fall for illusion
Again and again

You were not born stupid
You were conditioned that way
So you will toil in the dirt
While the kings make hay

You were born, You were schooled
Now go work until you die
You must spend your life grasping
For your piece of the pie

Too tired and to busy
To look to the skys
Too absorbed in the machine
To open your eyes

Where them lies the profit
In this zietghast absurd
Now that freedom is painted
As a dirtied word

The monitised Market
Holds all fools in black chains
With a million products
By a thousand names

You are foam blown flotsom
To the corporate greed
As the world is sown
With distructions seed

Nice one monsanto
Cheers ! Thanks for the break
I go plant this poison
By that toxic lake

Them I'll go wash in petrol
And emoliate myself
For the debt has consumed me
And taken my wealth

We are all Indian farmers
In the battle for truth
And in your ivory towers
How high is your roof

So, psycopathic,
 Corporate whore
Enough is enough
You can take no more

Do you feel secure
You unspeakable cocks
At the end of the day
Its your heads on the blocks

Dimlo sighs

Sunday 11 December 2011

Cogitive disonance,
Our original sin,
A failiure to grasp
The state we are in

On a finite planet
This viral hoard
Lives by consumption
Across the board

There are seven billion
Hungry hearts
To ravage our home
And consume it's parts

And too few can see
The elephant in the room
We are heading for disaster
If we don't change soon

But never mind lovies
Just continue to shop
And make the most
Of the time we have got

For the truth is stark
And unbarably grim
We are killing our planet
The blind staight we are in

Are you starting to see yet ?
Can you hear what the wind says?
Or are you cognitive disonance ?
To the end of your days ! 

Dimlo sighs

Wednesday 7 December 2011

We work in secret
We work in the dark
No audience sees 
Uor performance arc

Resistance revolution
And all those larks
This fire is lit
By a million sparks

Not a flame
Or a match
Or a candle is employed
These sparks shine out
From the inner void

And the spirit of men
Is an incandescent thing
And the powers are deafened
When the masses sing

As an army of angels
Can bring down the skys
When the truth breaks out
It's the end of the lies

So injustice is broken
And shoed on the ground
As the children rebel
And the trumpets resound

Wake up
Wake up
It was all bad dreams
Now the light has dawned
For the human beings. 

Dimlo 8/11/12

Sunday 4 December 2011

The Tao and the NOW !

If you're hungry then eat
If you're sad then weep
If you're lonely go seek
If you're thinking, think deep

Become like a child
A wise one once said
And most of our suffering
Is built in our head

It's not what happens
It's how we react
That we have free will
Is a pertininent fact

You can wail
You can weep
You can howl at the moon
But the choice is yours
You compose the tune !

The suchness and the isness
Are what they must be
If you know and accept this
You are finally free.

If you can learn the great lessons
Of the power of now
You can be one with creation,
In the flow of the Tao.

We are free,
We are free,
We are free at last !
There is no future,
And there was no past !

Dimloader 6/12/2012

This chemical bondage

Fun time Charlie
Fond of the dust
Keep on sniffing
As you synapses rust

Its all an illusion
The power you feel
You build on white sands
As your downfall you seal

From the columbian amazon
Come white rivers of death
And now that you are hooked
we are wasting our breath

The deaf won't hear us
The blind can't see
All funtime Charlies
Must fall from the tree

And into the abyss
Your soul is consumed
The damage is done
Your light entombed

So you rob and you steal
And you turn a few tricks
To get dirty money
And buy some more kicks

It's part of a process
To bring you to book
One day you'll regret
Every line that you took

This chemical bondage
Takes a terrible toll
It's best to stop digging
When you live in the hole !


Friday 2 December 2011

There is a light that lives at the core of us.

We have been to the place where few dare to go
In there we found We were not alone
There is light that lives at the core of us
In the inner void dark zone

And life goes  from day to day
But nothing now seems real
And tribulations of this world
are the just things We do not feel

For We have seen the inner star
And We can see it's light in you
And everything we'll ever be
Our souls allready knew

We choose to come and live in sleep
And suffer every pain
That we might wake at last one day
And join the source again

So love and light is all we are
so darkness is no longer known
This new truth is our reality
It guides us to our home

We have lived a thousand times before
And we must live some more
Cast out of sources security
Beyond the dharma door

And knowledge is as knowledge does
And we have known enough
What now to do my beauties
Save spread the inner love

Wake up wake up
It's all a dream
you are spirit
Practising being

Your body dies Your spirit flys
The program is complete
This is your natural victory
You'll never taste defeat

Embrace this life And all it brings
and truely deeply rejoyce
You choose the path your life would take
This mission was your choice

The clockwork elfs are at your side
To guide you to your truth
The ancient thing inside of you
Rejoices at your youth

The angels are all around us
They know we know their names
And they will ever shepherd us
And whatch our earthly games

It's all a game enjoy enjoy
Your special in this realm
This ship sails in oblivion
And you are at the healm

Dear god we thank you that we know
And cherish your intent
And ask for your benevolence
Until our time is spent
By Dimlo 02/12/2011 

Can you feel it yet ?

DMT is the one for ME !