Wednesday 6 April 2011

Thrice called Angels

Do we exist then just to server userers
Bound to contracts we never even read
Word magik to hold us to bondage
Slaves in the prison of our heads

Thrice NO I cast upon your spell craft
The black banks will never fleece my hide
For I cast a spell to their oblivion
They will be cleansed in our crimson tide

It's a joke that they think themselves empowered
And champagne and coke won't hide their lies
As towers burn and riches turn to ashes
The poor of this world will abide

This apocalyptic end game that we live in
Is soon to be drawn to a close
So stock up on food that you can live on
And don't put away your winter clothes

A chess player sees the board and pieces
The great game is ever underway
We hold possession and material
And avarice is ever underpaid

I call to the angels of protection
Save us from the demons in pinstripe
Save us from usury and sin
Their putrid fruit is ever over ripe

I call to the angels of protection
Release from the clutches of the vain
Free us from servitude to mammon
Release us from their interest and pain

I call to the angels of protection
And thrice now I use thy holy name
Deliver us for evil on this planet
Deliver us from the tyranny of blame

I cast the shadows of my past life
And raise my full cup to the sun
I am a servant of creation
A tool of the luminous one

These are the days of Armageddon
The flags of truth are unfurled
We stand on the new earth in triumph
This is only the end of their world

Dear god we have seen enough injustice
And fools block our way at each turn
But we are a match to filth Babylon
And the tinder is ready to burn

All shadows are banished by the one light
The creatures of darkness meet their death
We are the wind of revolution
The long held now exhaled breath

As sure as an egg is an egg
As sure as a spade is a spade
God has stored up just retribution
For the Usurers his word had forbade

A human is a transcendent being
Made in the likeness of light
And we are the holders of that atom
Invincible and ever shunning bright

Dear god we thank you for that knowledge
The truth doth truly set us free
Make us thy ever loyal servants
And let us let the isness be.

Dimlo sighs
Morden/ northen line / soho

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