Monday 9 January 2012


Define necessity corporate boy,
As you confiscate, consume and destroy.
The monsanto phage runs in our blood,
... As exxon actions call down the flood,
We'll do it to them,
Before they do it to us,
Sing the demons aboard
The biocide bus.
But you do it to yourself,
You have to see,
Your children are poisoned,
By mis- industry,
And the pursuit of profit,
Is a godless thing,
You will reap what you sow,
When the debts called in !
Wake up !
Wake up !
For the love of god,
And the truth of source,
It's time to rescind your reality divorce.
How many planets do you think we have,
It's a one shot chance,
Or a species grave,
You have to listen,
To the voice of your souls,
Stop meeting quotas,
And chasing goals,
There is enough for all,
On this abundant orb,
If we share together,
Not hoard and absorb.
Turn your genius,
To the benefit of us all,
A resource economy,
As usual, as ever,
It's the ecology you fools.

Dimlo Sighs
Soho London England.

Monday 2 January 2012

My new years res(V)olutions !

New years resolutions

Follow your hearts joy.

Always Speak your truth to yourself and others.

Do not give away your power to anyone or anything.

Always ask yourself in any situation ''what would love do now?'

Be the change that you wish to see

Have a joyous, creative, loving, fulfilling and beautiful year

Continue to evolve.

Namaste dear ones

Thursday 29 December 2011

All then rays of the single sun.

All then rays of the single sun,
imagined divisions of the ultimate one,
individual viewpoints seemingly alone,
drifting on tides,
far from our home,
we remember,
we remember,
we return to self,
for you must know poverty to appreciate wealth,
and you must have thirst before you can drink,
and indeed we are seldom that that we think,
just reflections on the pond,
itself a shadow of the sea,
But the truth of the oneness is the home of the free.

by Dimlo for Unasleep 29/12/2011

Monday 26 December 2011

The knowers and the known (2)

The awareness that is aware.
The knowers and the known.
The point of silent presence.
The longest journey home.

All who were gifted visions.
And who walked the spiral path.
Lift their heads in wonder.
And laugh the joyous laugh.

It's all in your head my love.
The suffering and the peace.
Enter the golden calmness.
And feel the great release.

So simple if you can grasp it.
And hold it in your mind.
You have the treasure already.
Just seek and you will find.
S. O. L,
Serve others and love !
A call from within,
And above.
To give begets to gain,
To share reduces the pain. 
To love is the easiest of things,
And what equity. It brings. 
For we all have infinite supplies
And As one we all shall rise.

Dimlo sighs

Sunday 25 December 2011

Entendre moi friend
Listen and understand
I am just a human
Lowley fallen man
But I have known merkabah
And I have seen the light
The shinning point of presence
Ever it burns bright
And I have felt compasionate love
She held me in her arms
She lifted veiled religion
And all those other yarns
And now I see so clearly
Spirit is ever there
I've seen the source of everything
And I know that she really cares. 

Dimlo sighs

I walked the spiral paths
To the southern face of the tor
And by a holly thorn
I bowed at the dharma door

I nealt on the sacred earth
And I offered my soul to the groud
And by the fallen dragons egg
I heard a tremendous sound

Seven billion whispering minds
And seven billion awakening hearts
And I knew that the human race
Is greater than the sum of it's parts

I walked the spiral paths
To the southern face of the tor
And I offered my humble service
To our mother for ever more.

Dimlo sighs